Thursday 10 November 2011

You Are Not Alone....

What do you do when your thoughts & feelings refuse to be released
Caged in by the bars of your heart that lock them down and becomes deaf to its freedom pleads
Each day the screams get louder but no one can hear
And eventually the shouts become a whisper because you realise no one even cares

Your thoughts become your company, following you everywhere you go
But all you want is another ear to hear, another heart to feel and not just your own
The possiblity of that seems non-existant as your mind has fed you lies
But if you'll take time and just listen, because for you, another voice cries.

Zwelae Love

Your Future Is Closer Thank You Think....

It's been A while (Again) But I am back *Crowd Cheers* and have a few quick words for you all:

I've been sitting thinking about the future for the past two days and though this may not exactly be an Einstein moment or a World changing discovery, I'd say that what I realised most certainly had an impact on my world!

A lot of us tend to think that the future is some sort of Robotic technical world that's a thousand years away or a distant space that allows you to draw up dreams and fantasies that will never be lived out but nice to think about. Not all have this mind-set but most do and the reality of the future hit me Today. The future is not only next week or next month or next year, the future is Tomorrow. Today remains a present till 11.59pm and also the Future up until that point but becomes the Past at 00:00am! So that means we have dreams and plans for when we finish Uni, or when we become 25 but do we make Plans for the next day becasue that is the closest to the future we will ever get. The future is made up of many Tomorrows but each tomorrow has to have a plan or else Yesterday will be a missed opportunity to have a brighter tomorrow.

What I'm really trying to say is The Future is really not that Far, it's not a universe away....It's a day away, so all those things you dream and fantasise about can happen the very moment you wake up but will you be prepared to make it last or is your mind too far for you to realise what's before your very eyes?

Live Today for Tomorrow so you can have a great Yesterday..... (Trying to be clever hehe)

Zwelae Love

Tuesday 31 May 2011

I haven't blogged in a while but I was just reminded of the most beautiful I ever saw the other day and had to blog it!

Just now I sat on my bed and looked out of my bedroom window and for like 3 minutes the sky was ever so bright blue the clouds were clear and defined and the Sun's light just rested lightly in the atmosphere bringing out the best in the beauty that had already captivated me, but it gets better! The trees were being pushed left and right by the wind just swaying from side to side and that is what reminded me of an image I would never forget.

I was playing Worship music the other day and I looked out my window (as I always do lol) and I saw the trees swaying in sync with the music, it's as if the trees were dancing to the Song worshiping with me! It was sooooo amazing, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I was filled up with so much Joy and immediately felt the Love of God.

I really don't know the exact reason why I felt to write this but I want whoever reads this to know that God isn't just one man sitting in the sky controlling the whole world, He is sooo much more than that and is in the very little things as well as the big things. He knows how much I LOVE Nature and in Him showing me the acts of the trees He was showing me How much He Loves ME! Just wanna let you all know that He loves you too, He really does! *Big Smile*

God Bless


Tuesday 10 May 2011

What I Do

Incase you guys are wondering what this blog is actually about and what I do, it's a writing Blog Lol. I really enjoy writing like I've said many times and this Blog hopefully reflects that. I write different things, I love writing Poetry- it's just beautiful and extremely theraputic, I also enjoy writing stories which I haven't started on here yet but I will do once I master how to write a short story. I don't know what to call the other type of writing I do, I hope it's motivational but that depends on how the reader perceives it so I guess that one is down to you guys to decide but yeah in general I think I just like to write words, I may not have an aim at times but I just write and go with the flow.....

So yeah, if you have any comments, criticisms, feedback bla bla ladi da you can contact me on Facebook (Tobi Oyedele) or follow me on Twitter: @FloeticJustice or just drop a comment. I'm an open notebook, I'll take what you jot down (Just tried to do the wink face but it looks nasty so *wink*)...

God Bless Y'all



Monday 9 May 2011

Weird Is The New Cool....

It seems the 'weirder' you get these days, the cooler you seem.
I wonder why that is?
This doesn't just go for fashion, but in what I call 'Cyber talks' too, I call it that because I find that a lot of people talk a certain way on Facebook, Twitter etc but they don't actually talk like that in real life. It's easier to pull off 'cool' on the internet than to actually be cool in real life, probably because it's easier to type than to actually speak.
What I don't understand though is, how did everyone's perception of 'cool' become one all of a sudden? If you're not a certain way you're not cool, but how did that certain way become cool??

Cool to me is individuality, to be honest that's what attracts me to humans both male and female, the more different you are as an individual the more interesed I am in you. In my circle of friends we all have different characters and it's the one that's most different to everyone else(society) that I consider to be the coolest.
I Must admit I also find myself to be extremely cool coz I believe in all honesty that I am very different; I say, do and wear a lot of things that everyone else might have opinions on but their opinions don't phase me and THAT is what I consider to be cool... Just being you!

A lot of people want to be unique which is good, but we are naturally unique so therefore you trying to be unique makes you like everyone else becuase you're trying to be what you're not and what everyone else is as the 'Unique'image ends up being the common image. But you just being you IS being unique...Hope you get what I'm trying to say here?

All in All- If you don't find colourful beaded bracelets, bangles, strange rings, long chains, crazy hairstyles etc attractive but wera it all because it's what everyone is wearing...Please STOP! Looking like everyone else isn't cool. We can't stop what fashions come out so there will be people who have many items in your wardrobe in their wardrobe also, however.... Fashion isn't what hangs in your wardrobe, it's how it's worn on your body.

God Bless


Sunday 8 May 2011

To anyone that reads this,

I Haven't been blogging much because Uni, Life and Laziness got the best of me I'm afraid...... (But that's not all)

I have to admit I've been very scared to Blog as I tend to think that many people will not like my Blog or won't find it interesting but I've realised that there are equally as many people that will like my Blog to those that don't like it so that shouldn't stop me from writing. That goes for everything else in life, we tend to hold back because we are scared of what people may think but the world isn't a one way system, it's not over if some people don't like what you do...they don't have to! I Enjoy writing, I LOVE writing and that should be all that matters. There will definitely be someone out there who will appreciate your talent but you will never know who that person is if you don't do what you do and they will never discover your talent to like it if they don't see it.

Be confident in what you do, we all have been blessed with gifts for a reason and that reason is not to keep it in the box.

God Bless You All


You Can't Take What's Mine!

Can I have it back now please?
You have proven your point!
You had the capability to walk in my life and do as you pleased
No, that was an audacity
You proved your point indeed

Maybe it was the way you looked at me and told me I was beautiful
But thinking about it, you didn't exactly say those words
But somehow that's how you made me feel
You were careful not to give so much away
And made sure you knew the right things to say
Especially on that day
Yes you sure proved your point, Touche!

You managed to persuade me that you were the only one for me
But not once did it occur to me that I wasn't the only one for you
How could I be so silly?
Maybe it's because I thought you were true
I must say, you proved your point for real
A round of applause to you.

You worked your way in and made me open up to you
You found the right button to push to make me fall in love with you
And that was even before you allowed me to give myself to you
So now you have me emotionally and physically
I'm afraid you've proved your point quite clearly
Because now you've robbed me of any pride, dignity and identity I ever contained
You walked away leaving me empty, lost, broken and confused
And that's how I remained
Oh you have proven your point, YES! I'll say it again

So now I'm on my hands and knees picking up the pieces
And trying to fix me
I'm almost there, but there's one thing missing
And I'm sorry but that's one thing I'll be needing
So if you please? coz I kinda need it to live
Coz though there are many things I am without you,
Dead didn't quite make the list
So well done, you've proven your point
But can I Have it back now please?
Even in the wretched, broken state it's in- I don't mind
As long as it beats and allows me to breathe
And because that's one thing I can say is  still mine
I've learnt my lesson now I'll be more careful next time

Wait! before you hand it over, I have one question
Why did it have to be me?

Written By Tobi Oyedele (ZwelaeLove)

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Another One By Maya Angelou

Still I Rise


  You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I'll rise.

Does my sassiness upset you?
Why are you beset with gloom?
'Cause I walk like I've got oil wells
Pumping in my living room.

Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I'll rise.

Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops.
Weakened by my soulful cries.

Does my haughtiness offend you?
Don't you take it awful hard
'Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines
Diggin' in my own back yard.

You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I'll rise.

Does my sexiness upset you?
Does it come as a surprise
That I dance like I've got diamonds
At the meeting of my thighs?

Out of the huts of history's shame
I rise
Up from a past that's rooted in pain
I rise
I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.
Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that's wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise

Phenomenal Woman By Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou is my favourite writer and Poet. I Just Absssooolutely Love Her And the way she writes is amazing! Here is one of my favourite Poems she wrote, it has such a feel good effect to it, just so wonderful :-)
Below the poem is a link of Ruthie Foster's song version of the poem, I was a bit weary of it but it's actually beautiful and amazing.

Embrace your Beauty ladies because each and every single one of us are Beautiful, and I actually really and truly believe that! God Bless.


Pretty women wonder where my secret lies
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size
But when I start to tell them
They think I'm telling lies.
I say,
It's in the reach of my arms
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please,
And to a man,
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees.
Then they swarm around me,
A hive of honey bees.
I say,
It's the fire in my eyes
And the flash of my teeth,
The swing of my waist,
And the joy in my feet.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me.
They try so much
But they can't touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them,
They say they still can't see.
I say
It's in the arch of my back,
The sun of my smile,
The ride of my breasts,
The grace of my style.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Now you understand
Just why my head's not bowed.
I don't shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.
When you see me passing
It ought to make you proud.
I say,
It's in the click of my heels,
The bend of my hair,
The palm of my hand,
The need of my care,
'Cause I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

Saturday 26 March 2011


No topic, no agenda, no nothing! I’m just gonna write and see where it all ends ;)
Ok, so I’m currently sitting on my bed and thinking about all sorts of things and I just find it funny the way the mind works, you think of one thing and that thought leads to another and you just sit there thinking and the moment someone’s asks you.. “what are you thinking?” that’s when you realise that you actually are thinking and suddenly what you were thinking about leaves your mind and your new thought is now “what AM I thinking?!” and whole totally new trail of thoughts come to your mind just from that one question….Looool, I find things like that amusing to be honest. It’s not good to think so much though, coz people like me OVER think and when you over think your mind is open for whatever the thought world is ready to throw at you and at times it can drive you crazy especially if, again like me, you have a big imagination to go with all that thinking you tend to think things that are beyond your control and have a very high tendency of exaggerating which then leads to paronoia and you therefore have given yourself the task of convincing yourself that you’re not crazy and everything is gonna be alright….. example: My best-friend told one of my friends something that she should have told me first and as soon as my friend blurted it out I thought to myself, “why didn’t she tell me? I should have been the first to know and I wasn’t, I wonder how long she’s kept it from me? I guess she don’t value me that much, to be honest she’s got plenty of friends so maybe I think I’m important in her life but I’m really not, that’s it! I don’t want a best friend, I don’t want any friends…I just wana fly solo!” HOWEVER, if I had just calmed down and not thought too much about the situation and spoke to her sooner than I did, I would have heard her side and wouldn’t have had to forgive her for telling me late with the extra tasks of convincing myself that the whole world is NOT against me and she hasn’t got any more secrets and bla bla bla…. You see where I’m going with this right??? So yeeaahh that’s where thinking too much gets you, a place of confusion, paronoia, madness and seclusion! A tad bit dramatic, but very true……

There was me thinking that I’d probably end up writing about my love for fashion, or the fact that I wanna save the world (Well Orphans and the poor) but nooope, I ended up writing about thoughts instead……. Interesting? I think so……

Stay Posted!

Zwelae Love


Nature to me is probably the most beautiful thing ever! It’s not just the way it looks but the way it makes me feel….. A smile spreads across my face when I hear birds singing and my heart begins to race when I see them flying. Questions also gather in my head, questions such as; how do they get a sense of direction? Who told them where to fly to? How do they know when it’s time to go? And as irritating as pigeons can be, at times I can’t help but feel nothing but envy….the way they’re just so free, when enough is enough, they spread their wings and they’re gone! If only the human life was like that sometimes….

Flowers also are just sooo amazing, not a gift option for me but to look at them at see them blooming in the Spring, the way they colour the environment and freely give away their sent. The way their petals spread out and reveal the beauty that has been in hiding in the seasons past, they know  when to be seen, the beauty of them makes them attractive and the brightness of them makes them heard without them even making a sound, giving them that special value!

The Sky I must say is what gets me the most, the sky is the canvas for the planet to paint its picture. The sky holds the stars, the clouds, the moon and the sun and gives them all their chance to show what they can do in the course of one day. The sky never disappears and the moon & stars make sure this is known! The sky in its happiest moments gives us light and in its moments of dispear produces roars loud enough for us to feel its pain followed by uncontrollable tears that fall on our shoulders so that we share the pain! The sky is always at work and sometimes needs a break and that’s where evening comes in, when the sun’s shift is over and the moon is getting ready to start the next shift with the support of the stars.

Nature to me speaks in volumes, and as much as we have life nature too lives! Because when some Trees are stripped bare and have no movement left in them the Trees that are still fully clothed and in full operation support them and say as they sway “we are here for you, rest now and we’ll take care of things for you.” Yes! Nature too has a language, nature speaks and nature lives and though we may not understand, the least we can do is to just appreciate nature.

Nature is my way of remembering that God made ALL things, that when the voice of a human can’t make me better;  the sounds of the wind whistling, the birds singing, the trees swaying and the rivers flowing…the warm feeling of the sun on my skin, the cool of the air so fresh and clean, the cold rain drops falling with no apologies, all makes me remember, that the company of Nature is far better than ‘Sorry.’

Though there is soo much more, That in a nutshell is what Nature means to me!

Stay Posted

Zwelae Love

Freeing My Voice

There have been many times where I’ve wanted to say something, many times where I’ve wanted to answer questions asked, many times where I’ve wanted to voice my opinion but I’ve never been able to….

In my head I’m as free as a bird, I say what I want to say and there’s no stopping me! I get an idea and I run with it! Presidential speeches, motivational talks, Award-winning speeches, Red carpet walks! But I could never free the person I want to be into the person I have to be, the person I’ve chosen to be, the me that I just be.

It doesn’t have to end there though you see, coz I can wake up tomorrow morning and open my mouth and speak, I can walk the walk and finally be free! Because I have it in me, no one is stopping me but me for it’s only me that holds the key , it’s only me that can set me free. That’s the scariest part of it because no matter how much I think I’ve got it together or the lies I tell myself that ‘maybe this is how I’m supposed to be,’ I know I’m only deceiving myself….I know because that’s what the me I hold captive tells me. You can’t be confident in who you are if you don’t know who you are and I don’t know who I am but I know who I could be and as far as I’m concerned that doesn’t make any sense, but then maybe it’s just me……

The thoughts, the freedom, the confidence I hold in my head are reflected in the words I write and that’s all I can do….write. I’ve heard it too many times, they prefer not to hear my voice coz all they know is the silence, the one word answers….because from the paragraphed answer I form in my head, only one word (If I’m lucky two) manage to escape, they think I’m too quiet and never have anything to say and though I beg and beg in my head to just hold on, just be patient with me, WAIT! It’s coming…it’s too late and they’re gone! Beating myself up after because I could have prevented it, I could have saved that, I could have spoken up….but I didn’t! I never do! That’s how it’s always been, that’s how my voice betrays me because when I need it, it’s nowhere to be seen, sorry… heard!

In my head I’m whoever I want to be, I say what I want to say and there’s no stopping me! But why can’t I be that person in reality, that person vocally……

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Off My Chest.......(Little Guy Banter)

I realised My worth the day it hit me that I was getting taken for a fool.

A lot of girls fall for the sweet talk, makes us feel all tingly inside and at times special.....I was one of those girls. I always thought within me that I was strong and couldn't let any guy walk all over me, that probably would have been the case but what happens when the weaker part of you overtakes the strong independent woman in you?!
Some can do without falling for the sweet talk, whereas others aint so lucky. The funny thing is, I reached the stage where I didn't cave in, where I refused to believe the words I heard but no matter how much I fought it, in the back of my mind I appreciated the 'Niceness' of what was said. A part of me reluctantly believed what I was hearing but by now I had mastered not giving my heart away to any Tom, Dick and Harry no matter how hard it was. I was proud of myself coz I wasn't so foolish anymore, because even if I did believe what 'he' said I didn't fall for it, I just brushed it off my shoulders, I was loooonngg Over him!
That was until today when I saw the pictures on her page, when I saw her status and realised that all this time he was talking to me, all this time I was fighting my weakness and overcoming it with bravery....he was telling lies! Every single word that came out of his mouth was untrue and I was the fool because no matter how hard I tried, no matter how much I convinced myself....a part of me still believed him! It was a whole new revelation to me that all that brave talk I was giving, all that time I thought I had actually moved on and grown stronger...I was fooling myself! Coz if I was strong, why was I so angry? If I was strong, why did I feel like punching him in? If I was strong, why did I feel like ruining his relationship? If I was strong, why was I hurt??!!
Answer: Not Because I had feelings for him, not even because I'm a fool..But because I'm human!

We often like to kick ourselves down when things like this happen to us but we've just gotta realise that we are human so we're allowed to get hurt, we just can't let that hurt leave a scar everytime! I got over this because I realised that the only thing that bothered me was me actually thinking that the guy was for real, though I had no feelings for him and knew I wasn't interested in a relationship with him, I just thought it was nice to have someone think of me like that. And I had no feelings for him because I knew I could do better, I believed I could do better more than I believed the words he told me. Guys are the needy ones in these situations and not girls, coz sadly they think WE need them and therefore try to play cool, when really they're checking to see if they've 'still got it'.....INSECURITIES!
As long as you know within you that you really know who you are and what you're worth, then no guy is gonna be able to play's fustrating to me because I seem to be an easy target, but hey.....practise makes perfect right???

Stay Posted

Zwelae Love

Thursday 17 February 2011

What's Your Motive?

It's not who sees what you do that makes what you do worth seeing, it's the state of the Heart in which you do what you do that makes what you do worth noticing! #KeepingItShortAndSweet

The You For Real!

Today they'll say you're this, tomorrow they'll say you're another but once you know who YOU are that's who you'll be forever. You can continue to let them shape you or you can just simply be true and know that who you know you to really be is the who you are FOR REAL! #EmbraceYourUniqueness