Saturday 26 March 2011


No topic, no agenda, no nothing! I’m just gonna write and see where it all ends ;)
Ok, so I’m currently sitting on my bed and thinking about all sorts of things and I just find it funny the way the mind works, you think of one thing and that thought leads to another and you just sit there thinking and the moment someone’s asks you.. “what are you thinking?” that’s when you realise that you actually are thinking and suddenly what you were thinking about leaves your mind and your new thought is now “what AM I thinking?!” and whole totally new trail of thoughts come to your mind just from that one question….Looool, I find things like that amusing to be honest. It’s not good to think so much though, coz people like me OVER think and when you over think your mind is open for whatever the thought world is ready to throw at you and at times it can drive you crazy especially if, again like me, you have a big imagination to go with all that thinking you tend to think things that are beyond your control and have a very high tendency of exaggerating which then leads to paronoia and you therefore have given yourself the task of convincing yourself that you’re not crazy and everything is gonna be alright….. example: My best-friend told one of my friends something that she should have told me first and as soon as my friend blurted it out I thought to myself, “why didn’t she tell me? I should have been the first to know and I wasn’t, I wonder how long she’s kept it from me? I guess she don’t value me that much, to be honest she’s got plenty of friends so maybe I think I’m important in her life but I’m really not, that’s it! I don’t want a best friend, I don’t want any friends…I just wana fly solo!” HOWEVER, if I had just calmed down and not thought too much about the situation and spoke to her sooner than I did, I would have heard her side and wouldn’t have had to forgive her for telling me late with the extra tasks of convincing myself that the whole world is NOT against me and she hasn’t got any more secrets and bla bla bla…. You see where I’m going with this right??? So yeeaahh that’s where thinking too much gets you, a place of confusion, paronoia, madness and seclusion! A tad bit dramatic, but very true……

There was me thinking that I’d probably end up writing about my love for fashion, or the fact that I wanna save the world (Well Orphans and the poor) but nooope, I ended up writing about thoughts instead……. Interesting? I think so……

Stay Posted!

Zwelae Love

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