Saturday 26 March 2011


Nature to me is probably the most beautiful thing ever! It’s not just the way it looks but the way it makes me feel….. A smile spreads across my face when I hear birds singing and my heart begins to race when I see them flying. Questions also gather in my head, questions such as; how do they get a sense of direction? Who told them where to fly to? How do they know when it’s time to go? And as irritating as pigeons can be, at times I can’t help but feel nothing but envy….the way they’re just so free, when enough is enough, they spread their wings and they’re gone! If only the human life was like that sometimes….

Flowers also are just sooo amazing, not a gift option for me but to look at them at see them blooming in the Spring, the way they colour the environment and freely give away their sent. The way their petals spread out and reveal the beauty that has been in hiding in the seasons past, they know  when to be seen, the beauty of them makes them attractive and the brightness of them makes them heard without them even making a sound, giving them that special value!

The Sky I must say is what gets me the most, the sky is the canvas for the planet to paint its picture. The sky holds the stars, the clouds, the moon and the sun and gives them all their chance to show what they can do in the course of one day. The sky never disappears and the moon & stars make sure this is known! The sky in its happiest moments gives us light and in its moments of dispear produces roars loud enough for us to feel its pain followed by uncontrollable tears that fall on our shoulders so that we share the pain! The sky is always at work and sometimes needs a break and that’s where evening comes in, when the sun’s shift is over and the moon is getting ready to start the next shift with the support of the stars.

Nature to me speaks in volumes, and as much as we have life nature too lives! Because when some Trees are stripped bare and have no movement left in them the Trees that are still fully clothed and in full operation support them and say as they sway “we are here for you, rest now and we’ll take care of things for you.” Yes! Nature too has a language, nature speaks and nature lives and though we may not understand, the least we can do is to just appreciate nature.

Nature is my way of remembering that God made ALL things, that when the voice of a human can’t make me better;  the sounds of the wind whistling, the birds singing, the trees swaying and the rivers flowing…the warm feeling of the sun on my skin, the cool of the air so fresh and clean, the cold rain drops falling with no apologies, all makes me remember, that the company of Nature is far better than ‘Sorry.’

Though there is soo much more, That in a nutshell is what Nature means to me!

Stay Posted

Zwelae Love

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